Thursday, October 29, 2009


Why is it that all cool creative things have some kind of stipulation?
Something that takes away the complete and organic enjoyment?

Take for instance, music.

I imagine music originated from the cavemen, or whatever... The dinosaurs, Adam and Eve, whatever- Thats not the point. Whoever, they were probably just messing around, banging on rocks, and chanting and singing, whatever. It was fun, and everyone was just having fun and messing around, and truly enjoying music in all its simplicity. Then, some guy came in and he decides, 'We should count measures, and have different keys and time signatures, and we should make everything more complicated- so we can teach it.'

Im not saying that music theory is pointless, it can by useful. But why would someone do this?
Without it, we would just play what sounds cool to us, and there would be no standards as to who or what is considered 'good'. There would still be chord progressions and scales, but we wouldn't call them by names, we would play them because of how they sounded.

Granted, without music theory some music would really really suck.
But, that happens everyday on most popular radio stations.

And what about art?

Why can't art just be judged by how it looks, not by the technical stuff?
You see plenty of art that could be cerated by a three year old, like Jackson Pollack's work. Not to say that his paintings aren't some of my favorite, but looking at it just to analyze the color scheme and textures? Why can't we just think it looks cool?

People are constantly being told how to live their lives.
We shouldn't be told how to do our art.
That is how creativity gets ruined, by creating guidelines and 'right' answers.


Just leave the cool stuff alone.
Music. Art. and Christmas Lights.

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