Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sorry to keep EVERYONE waiting...

I realize I haven't posted anything in a while.

And for all of you, waiting anxiously in anticipation for my next post, I hope you are not disappointed.

As I sit in my bed, thinking of what to write, a commercial catches my attention.
Now that it is over, I cannot say that I remember the exact name of what they were advertising, but all of these commercials seem the same to me, so, I shall describe.

All of these commercials come on late at night. The camera will pan across a room with a couch or bed, some pillows, and some 'hot' young adult on the phone. Then some 'hot' voice will narrate the image, while asking you if you "wish you could talk to 'hot' singles in your area".

My problem with this: If you are really 'hot' you don't need to talk on some creepy-ass hotline because chances are, you can find real people do do real things with. Therefore, the people who call this 'hot'line are people who cannot get real action- but see some pretty young thing on the commercial and thank God it is that easy. But, the pretty young thing is actually not. And those who call these numbers aren't doing any better than picking up what ever creepy-ass person they would in real life. Im not sure how efficiently talking dirty to a stranger can cure one's loneliness or whatever. It all seems kind of silly to me. But I am young... And normal enough.

Maybe I am just judgmental.
Maybe advertisements are misleading.

Alcohol commercials telling us to drink responsibly?
Lets be real.


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