Sunday, October 25, 2009

Entertainment Television.

So one night, I'm watching television, and I guess I am very in tune with my opinions and analysis of things...

Anyways, one television channel I now consider a guilty pleasure would be E!
The Entertainment Channel.
Does it not seem strange that there is an entire channel, dedicated all day and all night, to the lives of celebrities?

I haven't really stopped to think about it much, as I love celebrities just as much as the next Rob Pattinson fanatic. But, celebrities are really just regular people. The eat [or don't eat], they sleep in a bed [sometimes with others], and they poop [just like you!].
These are really just people, with jobs, and lives. Only their lives are telecasted about.

Now, at the same time, I start to think about why we feel the need to talk about them so much. Why they are such a popular topic of conversation. Like when Nick and Jessica got divorced, that was a topic of many a 9th grade lunch table. And so, these TV channels, and our public opinion- it is essentially just gossip. And we sit here, and gossip about people we don't know and we watch people gossip about people we don't know. But. If I wanted to share my assumption that the skanky looking girl in my history class is a slut, even though I don't know her at all, people would judge me for being a 'gossip'. But I can call Tila Tequila a slut, and its all good.

I don't know Tila Tequila- but there is a chance she could be an upstanding young lady.
I wouldn't know though because I'll probably never meet her, and my perception of her will always be reduced to what I see on television, which is obviously a character that her agents/managers created for her.

Same with most other celebrities, Lindsey Lohan- she looks and acts in a way that makes people want to talk. She is playing a character.

So, in conclusion- We are watching real people play the character of public figure.
We will never know the lives of these people.
...How they really eat, sleep, or poop.
No matter how many times E! tells us that they have the inside scoop first.

They are just regular people.
What we see is just another sitcom, prime-time drama, or movie.

But seriously Tila, I think you are a slut.


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