Thursday, October 8, 2009


Now, I’ve never been one to be real trendy and with-it. I have been able to catch on to some ‘trends’ if you will, that have become more popular recently such as the ‘Nike Shorts’ and V-Neck thing. But it’s whatever. It’s like wearing the uniform for a ‘young-girl with friends’.

But then I started to wonder how things become trendy.

What makes something ‘cute’....

......Do you remember these? The 'popcorn' shirt?

If I recall correctly, Britney Spears sported one of these in the early 2000's and all of a sudden, if you didn't own a popcorn shirt you were irrelevant.
I did not own a shirt like this.
I was in third grade when they became popular and I was still a boy.

But lets be real, these shirts were absolutely revolting. When they weren't stretched out, it looked like a robot suit for an infant. Unflattering, they always came in loud colors- so if their odd protruding shape didn't catch your eye, the color would blind you.

...and when girls would wear converse with dresses?
...and the whole, boys-in-skinny jeans thing?

Whose cracked out mind decides these things?
At least with the obscure things like popcorn shirts, who?

Lady Gaga is given shit about her outfit on the VMAs.
Britney is copied for sporting her shitty outfit.
How times have changed.


Everytime I watch Friends, I have to remember that the 90s left us with some of the best television, not the best fashion sense.
Rachel, bearing the midriff... Joey with the big pants...etc.

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