Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Places With Books.

So. As I sit here in this library, rehearsing the act of 'studious collegiate', I can't help but notice something.
The volume level is quiet, about a 2 on a 1-10 scale.

Now, this can be expected from a library. People come here to study, they need quiet for focus. I get that. But as I sit here, reveling in near silence, I come upon a profound realization.

All places with books are quiet. Not just libraries.

Barnes & Noble for instance, nobody needs to focus there. One goes to B & N with a direct goal to find a book, or just to wander around aimlessly and kill time either alone or with someone else [and with someone else, its usually someone they don't know very well- books are great for stimulating hushed conversation]. However, despite the lack of importance being in a bookstore holds- it is nearly silent in there. Perhaps due to a lack of people, or due to the mood that books can set: an intellectual reflective mood. Lets be honest, when one is seen holding a book- they instantly look smarter. Unless you are holding Captain Underpants. Or Twilight.

People are even relatively tranquil and hushed in a Half Price Books.
We are respectful of even the bargain bookstores, selling tattered and torn goods.
Which is strange because: people are respectful in a Target, but in a Big Lots- I don't think so.

Perhaps the quiet respect we have being in the presence of books is our thanks to them for making us look and seem smarter.
Be it by improving our aesthetics or the gifting us with knowledge.


Thanks Books!



P.S. But the real question remains: Why do books promote the need for hot drinks, such a tea or coffee? When was the last time you saw a bookstore without a Starbucks, or a Library without some sort of coffee bar?
Perhaps a cup of coffee is the cherry on top of an intellectual facade.

1 comment:

  1. im a library aide because i dont take real classes, and i yell in the library just because everyone looks. ill be like "hey, mrs. tilly, did you say these go in the proffesional section?" and she'll yell back "yes dear!" and everyone at the computers looks and rolls their eyes secretively but i notice.

    its liberating, really.
