
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Resolutions aren't real.

As you can see, I've been really busy with work and things....so I haven't really been able to blog...or come up with a better excuse for not blogging. Whatever.

Anyways, I figured since I don't really have anything to write about I would just share with you some things that I have learned in 2010.

1. The most pimpin' thing you can do is say "This song reminds me of you" when something cool comes on the radio.

2. Don't constantly worry about doing the shit you have to do. It always gets done, doesn't it?

3. Everyone secretly hates people who act cocky. Everyone outwardly loves people who are humble.

4. The most fun game to play at Wal-Mart:
"Find The Best Deal"; you compete to find the best deal in the store [i.e. fleece blanket for $4], then all competitors must buy the winning deal. Everyone wins!

5. Racist jokes are funny to everyone. Regardless of race.

I guess I only learned 5 things. Haha, oh well.
I'll get back to you when I learn more.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

A New Idea


I am making the decision now to start blogging more. I always want to write all these things, all these ideas, and I never do. Maybe I just don't think its worth getting off Facebook for, or maybe I just convince myself that I'll remember my idea. Which I don't. Because I am too lazy to get off Facebook.

I guess I want to write about things that happen in my everyday that make me laugh, or cry, or throw up. Or I want to write about things that inspire me. Perhaps writing about them will help solidify that inspiration. Maybe I'll just write about things that I like, things that I think about. I don't even know! Maybe I won't even change my writing habits at all. Who knows?

THIS is what I am writing about today.

January 24, 2010,

I had a new idea.

I started reading a book today, one of my favorites, Catcher In The Rye. I've read this book many times before, but I enjoy reading it every once in a while, Holden Caulfield was my first literary true love...after Captain Underpants and before Edward Cullen. As I was reading, I felt the strong desire for music. However, anything I can jam to would not be conducive to efficient reading, and anything boring would just put me to sleep. I then had the idea to choose to listen to music that is reminiscent of the setting and mood of the book.

An example; listening to the score of Pride and Prejudice [the movie] as you read the book.

Maybe this was a really lame thing to write about. But I got excited.
Or I had nothing else to write about.
At least I did something.

What did you do today?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

And I don't feel any different.

So, this is the New Year.

My resolution (s): Healthy Choices (not the frozen dinner)

I’ve always thought the concept of a ‘new’ year was pretty humorous. Are any of our past transgressions really just forgotten? Are any of us ACTUALLY going to make healthy choices?

In all honesty, we have a ‘new’ year to make the answer to “What’s the date?” more exciting. The years and months and dates are created for the jackass who wanted a fiscal year, and an office calendar. Not by some guy who wanted a ‘fresh start’ and a ‘forgotten past’. The Earth making a full orbit around the Sun shouldn’t make you want to lose weight. Or be more outgoing. Or be a better person.

But great that you’ve found a reason to! Or at least a time to start. Although, maybe shit would get done if we changed when we needed to, instead of on January 1st.

I know, that whole rant was a huge party foul on an exciting bank holiday.

Maybe I’m just a hater.

Or a hypocrite, since I have a ‘resolution’ to ‘eat healthier’.

But. In the spirit of things, hopefully this New Year will bring about a new decade; a decade with more art and music and less stupid people... Major reforms in the legal systems of many states and countries... The assassination of all three of the Jonas Brothers... Stricter parents... The revival of "Hey Arnold!"...Etc.

- the 'new' Jordana

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Why is it that all cool creative things have some kind of stipulation?
Something that takes away the complete and organic enjoyment?

Take for instance, music.

I imagine music originated from the cavemen, or whatever... The dinosaurs, Adam and Eve, whatever- Thats not the point. Whoever, they were probably just messing around, banging on rocks, and chanting and singing, whatever. It was fun, and everyone was just having fun and messing around, and truly enjoying music in all its simplicity. Then, some guy came in and he decides, 'We should count measures, and have different keys and time signatures, and we should make everything more complicated- so we can teach it.'

Im not saying that music theory is pointless, it can by useful. But why would someone do this?
Without it, we would just play what sounds cool to us, and there would be no standards as to who or what is considered 'good'. There would still be chord progressions and scales, but we wouldn't call them by names, we would play them because of how they sounded.

Granted, without music theory some music would really really suck.
But, that happens everyday on most popular radio stations.

And what about art?

Why can't art just be judged by how it looks, not by the technical stuff?
You see plenty of art that could be cerated by a three year old, like Jackson Pollack's work. Not to say that his paintings aren't some of my favorite, but looking at it just to analyze the color scheme and textures? Why can't we just think it looks cool?

People are constantly being told how to live their lives.
We shouldn't be told how to do our art.
That is how creativity gets ruined, by creating guidelines and 'right' answers.


Just leave the cool stuff alone.
Music. Art. and Christmas Lights.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Entertainment Television.

So one night, I'm watching television, and I guess I am very in tune with my opinions and analysis of things...

Anyways, one television channel I now consider a guilty pleasure would be E!
The Entertainment Channel.
Does it not seem strange that there is an entire channel, dedicated all day and all night, to the lives of celebrities?

I haven't really stopped to think about it much, as I love celebrities just as much as the next Rob Pattinson fanatic. But, celebrities are really just regular people. The eat [or don't eat], they sleep in a bed [sometimes with others], and they poop [just like you!].
These are really just people, with jobs, and lives. Only their lives are telecasted about.

Now, at the same time, I start to think about why we feel the need to talk about them so much. Why they are such a popular topic of conversation. Like when Nick and Jessica got divorced, that was a topic of many a 9th grade lunch table. And so, these TV channels, and our public opinion- it is essentially just gossip. And we sit here, and gossip about people we don't know and we watch people gossip about people we don't know. But. If I wanted to share my assumption that the skanky looking girl in my history class is a slut, even though I don't know her at all, people would judge me for being a 'gossip'. But I can call Tila Tequila a slut, and its all good.

I don't know Tila Tequila- but there is a chance she could be an upstanding young lady.
I wouldn't know though because I'll probably never meet her, and my perception of her will always be reduced to what I see on television, which is obviously a character that her agents/managers created for her.

Same with most other celebrities, Lindsey Lohan- she looks and acts in a way that makes people want to talk. She is playing a character.

So, in conclusion- We are watching real people play the character of public figure.
We will never know the lives of these people.
...How they really eat, sleep, or poop.
No matter how many times E! tells us that they have the inside scoop first.

They are just regular people.
What we see is just another sitcom, prime-time drama, or movie.

But seriously Tila, I think you are a slut.


Monday, October 19, 2009


I think it is very funny when girls know every word to the RENT Broadway Cast Recording, and want to paint themselves green to be Elphaba Thropp from Wicked for Halloween.

No... That’s not what I think is funny.

I think its funny when these girls think that- just because they are obsessed with theatre, it is their destiny to pursue it. And this is not a bitch session about anyone I go to school with. Maybe some people I went to high school with…but. If you arent good at it by the time you are able to have legitimate goals, it probably isn’t your destiny. It’s more of a hobby, like watching television, or eating doughnuts. It’s enjoyable, but it won’t get you anywhere- if anything it will slow you down.

Just because you’ve seen Annie and theatre groups are accepting of your eccentricity, that doesn’t mean you’re destined to be on Broadway.

Just because you like to sing, that doesn’t make you America’s next Idol.

By all means, one should follow their dreams/heart/other clichés. But I’m not going to track down Jude Law and make him my lover. I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer on the hopes and aspirations of today’s youth, but let’s be honest….Today’s youth thinks they are entitled to entirely too much anyway. Sure, me included.

But telling your kids…

“You can be anything in the world you want to be!”

“You’re the best!”

“Its not whether you win or lose, its how you play the game.”

You can’t be anything you want- or else LA would be so populated with celebrities that California would’ve fell off the continent by now.

You are not the best- Someone else is. And he is probably from another country.

And it IS all about winning or losing. Particularly winning.

Way-to-go Baby Boomer Breeders.


Thursday, October 8, 2009


Now, I’ve never been one to be real trendy and with-it. I have been able to catch on to some ‘trends’ if you will, that have become more popular recently such as the ‘Nike Shorts’ and V-Neck thing. But it’s whatever. It’s like wearing the uniform for a ‘young-girl with friends’.

But then I started to wonder how things become trendy.

What makes something ‘cute’....

......Do you remember these? The 'popcorn' shirt?

If I recall correctly, Britney Spears sported one of these in the early 2000's and all of a sudden, if you didn't own a popcorn shirt you were irrelevant.
I did not own a shirt like this.
I was in third grade when they became popular and I was still a boy.

But lets be real, these shirts were absolutely revolting. When they weren't stretched out, it looked like a robot suit for an infant. Unflattering, they always came in loud colors- so if their odd protruding shape didn't catch your eye, the color would blind you.

...and when girls would wear converse with dresses?
...and the whole, boys-in-skinny jeans thing?

Whose cracked out mind decides these things?
At least with the obscure things like popcorn shirts, who?

Lady Gaga is given shit about her outfit on the VMAs.
Britney is copied for sporting her shitty outfit.
How times have changed.


Everytime I watch Friends, I have to remember that the 90s left us with some of the best television, not the best fashion sense.
Rachel, bearing the midriff... Joey with the big pants...etc.