Sunday, January 24, 2010

A New Idea


I am making the decision now to start blogging more. I always want to write all these things, all these ideas, and I never do. Maybe I just don't think its worth getting off Facebook for, or maybe I just convince myself that I'll remember my idea. Which I don't. Because I am too lazy to get off Facebook.

I guess I want to write about things that happen in my everyday that make me laugh, or cry, or throw up. Or I want to write about things that inspire me. Perhaps writing about them will help solidify that inspiration. Maybe I'll just write about things that I like, things that I think about. I don't even know! Maybe I won't even change my writing habits at all. Who knows?

THIS is what I am writing about today.

January 24, 2010,

I had a new idea.

I started reading a book today, one of my favorites, Catcher In The Rye. I've read this book many times before, but I enjoy reading it every once in a while, Holden Caulfield was my first literary true love...after Captain Underpants and before Edward Cullen. As I was reading, I felt the strong desire for music. However, anything I can jam to would not be conducive to efficient reading, and anything boring would just put me to sleep. I then had the idea to choose to listen to music that is reminiscent of the setting and mood of the book.

An example; listening to the score of Pride and Prejudice [the movie] as you read the book.

Maybe this was a really lame thing to write about. But I got excited.
Or I had nothing else to write about.
At least I did something.

What did you do today?

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