Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Catharsis of Sorts.

Honestly, I have just made this blog.
And I am unaware as to what I would like to write first...

I was trying to think of something poignant and charming to write, but I find that those kind of ideas are almost always organic- or nearly impossible for me to come up with.

....at least for right now.

I guess I will address my reasoning in creating an online journal, because my intentions were not for You, who is actually reading this, but more so for myself and my reversion back to my childhood.

Perhaps, if you are anything like me, you once had a Xanga. Now, I realize that Xanga has been replaced by more direct methods of internet 'expression' [i.e. Facebook, Twitter]. But back when Xanga was the lone wolf of teenage internet indulgences- I was obsessed. Posting entries everyday, about the incredibly interesting, life-changing events of my middle-school years. Including, but not limited to: what I had for lunch. Or vaguely suggesting fights with friends, or situations with boys- without actually saying anything incriminating about anyone in particular.

Well, I am slightly more grown-up now. And as much as I enjoyed blogging back then, I believe my years and experience will only heighten my level of enjoyment of blogging now. Whilst also taking part in a jovially innocent adolescent pass-time of mine.

Granted I will try my best to be interesting and relevant. And not just ramble.
Like I did just now.



  1. i too had a xanga. it was such quality.

    i also had a secret xanga with a random girls picture and a made up name so i could say anonymously mean things on other people's xangas.

    i like to think im over this phase.
