Sunday, January 24, 2010

A New Idea


I am making the decision now to start blogging more. I always want to write all these things, all these ideas, and I never do. Maybe I just don't think its worth getting off Facebook for, or maybe I just convince myself that I'll remember my idea. Which I don't. Because I am too lazy to get off Facebook.

I guess I want to write about things that happen in my everyday that make me laugh, or cry, or throw up. Or I want to write about things that inspire me. Perhaps writing about them will help solidify that inspiration. Maybe I'll just write about things that I like, things that I think about. I don't even know! Maybe I won't even change my writing habits at all. Who knows?

THIS is what I am writing about today.

January 24, 2010,

I had a new idea.

I started reading a book today, one of my favorites, Catcher In The Rye. I've read this book many times before, but I enjoy reading it every once in a while, Holden Caulfield was my first literary true love...after Captain Underpants and before Edward Cullen. As I was reading, I felt the strong desire for music. However, anything I can jam to would not be conducive to efficient reading, and anything boring would just put me to sleep. I then had the idea to choose to listen to music that is reminiscent of the setting and mood of the book.

An example; listening to the score of Pride and Prejudice [the movie] as you read the book.

Maybe this was a really lame thing to write about. But I got excited.
Or I had nothing else to write about.
At least I did something.

What did you do today?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

And I don't feel any different.

So, this is the New Year.

My resolution (s): Healthy Choices (not the frozen dinner)

I’ve always thought the concept of a ‘new’ year was pretty humorous. Are any of our past transgressions really just forgotten? Are any of us ACTUALLY going to make healthy choices?

In all honesty, we have a ‘new’ year to make the answer to “What’s the date?” more exciting. The years and months and dates are created for the jackass who wanted a fiscal year, and an office calendar. Not by some guy who wanted a ‘fresh start’ and a ‘forgotten past’. The Earth making a full orbit around the Sun shouldn’t make you want to lose weight. Or be more outgoing. Or be a better person.

But great that you’ve found a reason to! Or at least a time to start. Although, maybe shit would get done if we changed when we needed to, instead of on January 1st.

I know, that whole rant was a huge party foul on an exciting bank holiday.

Maybe I’m just a hater.

Or a hypocrite, since I have a ‘resolution’ to ‘eat healthier’.

But. In the spirit of things, hopefully this New Year will bring about a new decade; a decade with more art and music and less stupid people... Major reforms in the legal systems of many states and countries... The assassination of all three of the Jonas Brothers... Stricter parents... The revival of "Hey Arnold!"...Etc.

- the 'new' Jordana