Saturday, March 27, 2010

Resolutions aren't real.

As you can see, I've been really busy with work and I haven't really been able to blog...or come up with a better excuse for not blogging. Whatever.

Anyways, I figured since I don't really have anything to write about I would just share with you some things that I have learned in 2010.

1. The most pimpin' thing you can do is say "This song reminds me of you" when something cool comes on the radio.

2. Don't constantly worry about doing the shit you have to do. It always gets done, doesn't it?

3. Everyone secretly hates people who act cocky. Everyone outwardly loves people who are humble.

4. The most fun game to play at Wal-Mart:
"Find The Best Deal"; you compete to find the best deal in the store [i.e. fleece blanket for $4], then all competitors must buy the winning deal. Everyone wins!

5. Racist jokes are funny to everyone. Regardless of race.

I guess I only learned 5 things. Haha, oh well.
I'll get back to you when I learn more.
